Vitality, Medicine & Engineering Journal

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Susanne Bügel1, Balz Frei2


1. Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen, Denmark;
2. Linus Pauling Institute and Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA.

Corresponding to: Susanne Bügel, MSc, PhD, Professor, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 26, 1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark, Phone: +45 35 33 24 90, E-mail:
Care Weekly 2019;
Published online May 6, 2019,



This narrative review describes the distinct nutritional needs of middle-aged and older adults in the European Union. Literature reviews were conducted to identify sources evaluating nutritional status and interventions relevant to these populations. Emphasis was placed on dietary guidelines, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses examining relevant macronutrients and micronutrients and important diseases or conditions related to aging (e.g. cardiovascular disease, infections, osteoporosis, cognition, immunity). Middle-aged and older adults in the European Union frequently do not obtain recommended amounts of key macronutrients and micronutrients necessary for maintaining health. In addition to the nutritional benefits of a healthful diet and contact with professionals to identify nutritional barriers, problem-solving techniques and micronutrient and macronutrient goals can improve the outcomes of dietary interventions in these individuals. Nutrition education programs, particularly those with specific recommendations, are effective for improving the nutritional status of these populations. For those who do not obtain adequate amounts of macronutrients and micronutrients from their diets, adhering to dietary guidelines and, when warranted, supplementation should be considered to improve nutritional status. The findings from randomized, controlled trials suggest that dietary interventions and supplementation can correct nutritional deficiencies and inadequacies that are important to the health of middle-aged and older adults. However, it is important to evaluate nutrient intake from the diet, supplementation, and fortified food to avoid exceeding tolerable upper intake levels of certain nutrients and limit potential adverse outcomes. Medical histories, medication use, dietary patterns, and other risk factors should be considered when recommending dietary improvements and supplements in these populations.

Key words: Aging, malnutrition, micronutrients, nutritional deficiencies.



Life expectancies in European Union (EU) countries continue to rise, expanding the aging population. It has been estimated that by 2050 greater than 25% of the EU population will be ≥65 years of age, which has the potential to challenge the healthcare system (1). According to the European Health Report, important non-communicable diseases (NCDs) associated with aging include cardiovascular disease (CVD), certain cancers, and type 2 diabetes (1). Because these NCDs are the leading causes of early mortality in the EU, primary and secondary prevention efforts are needed to reduce NCD-related morbidity and mortality (1). To allow older individuals to live more independently and remain integrated in society, the World Health Organization’s agenda for preventing NCDs includes increasing physical activity, reducing tobacco and alcohol use, and reducing the risk of malnutrition, a condition in which many nutrient requirements are not met (2). The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) reference intakes for selected micronutrients in adults >50 years of age are listed in Table 1 (3).

Table 1. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) daily reference intakes for selected micronutrients in adults >50 years of age (3)

Table 1. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) daily reference intakes for selected micronutrients in adults >50 years of age (3)

*1 μg of DFE equals 1 μg of food folate=0.6 μg of folic acid from fortified food=0.5 μg of a folic acid supplement; †1 μg RE equals 1 μg of retinol, 6 μg of β-carotene, and 12 μg of other provitamin A carotenoids; DFE, dietary folate equivalent; RE, retinol equivalent.


According to a systematic review of longitudinal data, risk factors for malnutrition include frailty, excessive polypharmacy, declining physical functioning and cognition, depression, dysphagia, and institutionalization (4). Multiple physical, socioeconomic, and cultural factors affect the nutritional status of older individuals, including changes in the ability to absorb nutrients, reduced appetite, and decreased ability to chew (4, 5). Furthermore, there are multiple drug-nutrient interactions that should be considered for this population (Table 2) (6). Insufficient energy intake associated with aging is complex and may involve chronic illnesses and reduced ability and desire to prepare and eat meals (7). Micronutrient intake below recommended amounts increases NCD risks (8). For example, micronutrient deficiencies can cause mitochondrial decay, a mechanism contributing to aging and development of diseases including cancer and neural decay (8). A relationship has been observed between the intake of certain micronutrients (i.e. vitamins D, B6, B12, and E and folate) and frailty in older adults (9). Values for ranges of nutrient intakes in the EU are described in Table 3 (10).

Table 2. Common drug-micronutrient interactions and consequences of the interaction(s) (6)

Table 2. Common drug-micronutrient interactions and consequences of the interaction(s) (6)

Table 3. Nutrient intake in the European Union based on national data (10)

Table 3. Nutrient intake in the European Union based on national data (10)

*Intakes reported for individuals 19–64 years of age for all countries except the following: Greece: 22±2 years of age; Hungary: ≥18 years of age; United Kingdom: 25–64 years of age; †Intakes reported for individuals >64 years of age for all countries except Hungary (>59 years of age); ‡Folate equivalent; 1 μg food folate=0.5 μg folic acid (PGA)=0.6 μg folic acid taken with meals; §RRR-α-tocopherol equivalent=mg α-tocopherol + mg β-tocopherol x 0.5 + mg y-tocopherol x 0.25 + mg α-tocotrienol x 0.33. DFE, dietary folate equivalent; PGA, pteroyl glutamic acid.


This narrative review describes the nutritional needs of middle-aged (50–64 years) and older (≥65 years) adults in the EU and interventions healthcare professionals should consider. Literature searches were conducted to identify sources that evaluated the nutritional status and interventions relevant to this population, with an emphasis placed on systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and dietary guidelines. Notably, some meta-analyses also included other ages (<50 years), but those that are included primarily assessed older individuals.



Aging leads to a loss of muscle mass and strength and poor physical performance (i.e. sarcopenia) that has been associated with macro- and micronutrient deficiencies, suggesting that a high-quality diet that includes optimal protein and nutrient intake combined with physical exercise can reduce this risk (11). Sarcopenia can increase the risk for falls, fractures, disability, loss of independence, and increased mortality (11). The prevalence of sarcopenia is approximately 1–29% in community-dwelling older adults and 10–33% in those living in long-term care and acute hospital settings (12).
Adequate protein intake is important to healthy aging, and higher intakes may be necessary to compensate for the difficulty of maintaining muscle mass; however, recommendations vary by country (13). The EFSA recommendation for protein intake for adults is 0.83 g/kg/d (3), yet, the PROT-AGE Study Group recommends protein intakes in older adults of 1.0–1.2 g/kg/d (13). The authors state that those with chronic diseases, severe illnesses, injury, or malnutrition may require higher intakes (i.e. 1.2–1.5 and 2.0 g/kg/d, respectively) (13). Higher protein intake can negatively impact kidney function in those with severe kidney disease not receiving dialysis; therefore, caution should be taken in this population (13). The Nordic Nutrition Recommendations set a tentative recommendation of 1.2–1.5 g/kg/d while stressing that adequate data do not exist to estimate an optimal protein intake (14).
Protein quality, timing of administration, whether to supplement with single amino acids, and the addition of physical exercise should be considered (13). Protein supplementation immediately following resistance training exercise is beneficial for muscle mass and strength (13). A recent meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) conducted with whey-, leucine-, and casein-based protein supplements combined with resistance training reported that elderly individuals adhering to this regimen improved lean body and appendicular mass, body fat and mass, muscle strength, and mobility (15). However, the International Sarcopenia Initiative stated that protein supplements alone or combined with resistance training have shown inconsistent effects on muscle mass and function in individuals ≥50 years of age (12).


Dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is critical to maintaining proper laxation and a healthy microbiome and is involved in many physiological activities including protecting against CVD (5). EFSA recommends that older adults consume 25 g/d of total fiber (3), but few meet this goal (5). The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) recommendations for managing dyslipidemia include consuming 45% to 55% of energy from carbohydrates, including fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts, and 25-40 grams of total dietary fiber, such as β-glucan from oat and barley (16).
A meta-analysis of 67 RCTs reported that consuming high-fiber diets significantly reduced total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, but not high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (17). Other meta-analyses of RCTs reported that using different fiber supplements significantly reduced diastolic blood pressure, an effect that was more pronounced in adults >40 years of age compared with younger adults (18), and significantly reduced glycated hemoglobin in middle-aged and older adults with type 2 diabetes (19).


Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, and higher intakes have been linked to reductions in CVD risk and cognitive impairment (5). Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be efficiently converted from dietary alpha-linolenic acid in the body; therefore, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) often do not reach adequate levels. Dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids include oily fish, flaxseed, and walnuts (5). EFSA recommends that adults consume 0.5% of their energy in the form of alpha-linolenic acid and 250 mg/d EPA plus DHA (3). ESC and EAS recommendations include 2–3 g/d of long-chain omega-3 fatty acid supplements to reduce triglycerides and regular consumption of fish and nuts for preventing CVD (20).
Meta-analyses of RCTs conducted in adults with or without cardiovascular comorbidities (e.g. coronary heart disease, heart failure) receiving DHA and EPA through the diet or supplementation reported a greater risk reduction among individuals with elevated triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels (21) and significantly improved brain natriuretic peptide and serum norepinephrine levels (22). The Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study, a prospective cohort study of individuals (mean age: 60 years) with, or at high risk for, knee osteoarthritis (OA) reported that individuals with high plasma omega-3 fatty acid levels, especially DHA, had less patellofemoral cartilage loss (23). Well-controlled RCTs are necessary to support using omega-3 fatty acid supplements for OA.
Due to the association between inadequacies in omega-3 fatty acid status and cognitive decline, a number of studies have been conducted to evaluate the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on cognitive functioning. Meta-analyses of observational studies and RCTs conducted in middle-aged and older adults reported significant improvements in cognitive functioning (i.e. attention, executive functioning, memory), but no improvements in other cognitive parameters were observed (24, 25). A more recent meta-analysis of omega-3 fatty acid trials in adults (>40 years of age) did not observe improvements in cognitive functioning (26).


Folate and vitamins B6 and B12

Folate is a B-vitamin involved in the metabolism of nucleic acid precursors, DNA methylation, homocysteine metabolism, and cognition (5). Vitamin B6 is essential for many enzymatic reactions involved in protein metabolism, while vitamin B12 is involved in folate metabolism and neurological functioning. Deficiencies in vitamin B12 can cause peripheral neuropathy and cognitive dysfunction (3, 5). EFSA recommends that adults consume 250 μg/d folate, 4.0 μg/d vitamin B12, and 1.5 mg/d and 1.3 mg/d vitamin B6, in men and women, respectively (3). Deficiencies and inadequacies in folate and vitamins B6 and B12 can increase homocysteine concentrations, weaken immunity, and increase risk of CVD, stroke, cognitive dysfunction, depression, osteoporosis, and fracture risk (5, 27). In the EU up to 20% of older adults (>64 years) do not obtain adequate amounts of vitamin B12, and a substantial proportion (17–46%) do not achieve adequate intake of folate (28). Older adults may have difficulty extracting vitamin B12 from natural food sources due to an age-related decline in gastric acid secretion (5), which reduces the ability of vitamin B12 to bind to intrinsic factor (29).
Meta-analyses of folic acid supplement RCTs in middle-aged and older adults reported significant risk reductions in stroke and CVD-related events (30) and significant reductions in plasma homocysteine concentration, with further reductions when vitamin B12 was co-administered (31).
Folic acid and vitamin B12 supplementation may also improve bone health, primarily due to the effects on homocysteine levels (32). However, an RCT conducted in older individuals (≥65 years) with elevated homocysteine levels supplemented with folic acid and vitamin B12 reported no reduction in fracture risk, aside from a sub-group of individuals >80 years of age (32).
A meta-analysis of case-control studies reported significant associations between higher folate intake and decreased risk of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (33). Despite these potential benefits, excessive intake of synthetic folic acid can increase the risk of certain cancers (34). Therefore, it is important to determine an individual’s intake of dietary folate and folic acid from supplements and fortification to avoid reaching levels that can cause adverse health outcomes.
In meta-analyses of RCTs of folic acid in subjects ≥45 years of age without dementia (35) and vitamin B6 and B12 in subjects ≥40 years of age who were healthy or at risk for CVD (26), no improvements in cognitive functioning were found. Another trial that administered folic acid and vitamin B12 to older adults (60–74 years) reported significant improvements in overall cognitive functioning and immediate and delayed recall (36).


Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin found either as preformed vitamin A (retinol) in animal products such as liver and dairy, or as provitamin A carotenoids such as β-carotene in fruit and vegetables (3, 37). Vitamin A is involved in regulating cellular growth and differentiation and is required for healthy immune function and vision (3, 37). EFSA recommends that adult men and women consume 750 μg/d and 650 μg/d vitamin A (as Retinol Equivalents, Table 1), respectively, from a mixture of preformed vitamin A and provitamin A carotenoids (3).
A critical issue with vitamin A is its toxicity (hypervitaminosis A) caused by excessive retinol intake; middle-aged and older adults may be particularly susceptible to vitamin A toxicity (38). Additionally, several prospective cohort studies have reported that higher intakes of retinol are associated with an increased risk of hip fractures in primarily middle-aged and older adults (39), and two RCTs found that high-dose supplementation with β-carotene (alone or combined with retinol) further increased the risk of lung cancer in at-risk populations (e.g. smokers, asbestos-exposed workers) (38). However, a meta-analysis of four RCTs found no effect on lung cancer risk with retinol or β-carotene supplementation in healthy adults (40).


Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays critical roles in calcium metabolism and bone health but is also involved in other health outcomes, such as neurological conditions, autoimmune diseases, NCDs (e.g. type 2 diabetes, cancers), and infections (5, 41). EFSA recommends vitamin D intake of 15 µg/d for adults (3), while the International Osteoporosis Foundation recommends average daily intake of 20–25 µg/d for older adults (41). Older adults may be at particular risk for insufficiency and deficiency due to lower sunlight exposure, reduced ability of the skin to synthesize vitamin D from 7-dehydrocholesterol upon sunlight exposure, and limited consumption of food sources of vitamin D (e.g. fortified milk, oily fish) (5). Across the EU, the percentage of the older population (>64 years) not obtaining adequate amounts of vitamin D is approximately 90% in most areas except Norway, Finland, and Spain (28). A systematic review of 195 studies reported that mean 25(OH)D values for those >65 years of age in the EU were 51.7 nmol/L (42). European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) and European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) recommendations for preventing future fractures in those ≥50 years of age with previous fractures taking anti-osteoporosis drugs include supplementation with 800 IU/d (equivalent to
20 µg/d) vitamin D with adequate calcium intake (1000–1200 mg/d) (43). This recommendation is based on a meta-analysis of RCTs demonstrating a significant reduction in the risk of falling with 700–1000 IU/d (17.5–25 µg/d) vitamin D or 25(OH)D levels of 60–95 nmol/L (44) and a pooled analysis demonstrating a reduced risk of hip fractures with ≥800 IU/d (≥20 µg/d) vitamin D or baseline 25(OH)D levels >60 nmol/L in elderly individuals (≥65 years) (45). A separate meta-analysis of RCTs reported that vitamin D at 482–770 IU/d (12–19 µg/d) reduced the risk for non-vertebral and hip fractures by 20% (44), while a National Osteoporosis Foundation meta-analysis of RCTs reported that vitamin D supplements of 400–800 IU/d (10–20 µg/d) and calcium of 500–1200 mg/d reduced the risk of total and hip fractures by 15% and 30%, respectively (46). Evidence for the effectiveness of vitamin D supplements in reducing the risk of falling is inconsistent, and bolus doses have been shown to increase the risk for falling (47).
It has been suggested that vitamin D can have positive effects on other health outcomes, including autoimmune diseases and CVD, type 2 diabetes, and cancer (48). Deficiencies in 25(OH)D levels may also be associated with increased risk of colorectal and breast cancer, cardiovascular events, and mortality (48). Aggregated evidence from RCTs suggests that vitamin D supplementation could effectively prevent respiratory tract infections (49, 50), which caused 2.8 million deaths worldwide in 2010 (49) and affect the elderly at increased rates (50).



Calcium is an essential mineral that is involved in promoting bone health but is also associated with other health outcomes such as controlling blood pressure (5). While EFSA recommends 750 mg/d total calcium intake in adults >50 years of age (3), EULAR/EFORT recommends 1000–1200 mg/d for preventing fractures in those using anti-osteoporosis drugs, with supplementation as necessary (43). EULAR/EFORT also cautions that calcium supplements may produce adverse gastrointestinal and possibly cardiovascular effects (43). Across the EU, the percentage of the older population (>64 years of age) not obtaining adequate amounts of calcium ranges from 48–100% (28).
A meta-analysis of 29 RCTs that evaluated calcium supplementation with or without vitamin D on bone health outcomes in middle-aged and older individuals (≥50 years of age) observed significant reductions in fracture risk and bone loss (51). Concern has been raised about the potential for calcium supplements to increase the risk for CVD, but a long-term study specifically designed to evaluate this potential found no evidence of increased risk in older women (mean age: 75 years) in relation to placebo (52). Another meta-analysis reported that total calcium intake (diet and supplementation) below the tolerable upper intake level (UL) is not associated with an increased risk for CVD (53). However, caution should be taken when recommending calcium supplementation to those already obtaining adequate dietary intake (53).


Vitamin K

Vitamin K describes a group of related fat-soluble vitamins critically involved in coagulation and bone health by activating specific proteins in the bloodstream and bone (3, 5, 54). Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) is the primary dietary form of vitamin K, which is found in green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils, while vitamin K2 (menaquinone) is primarily found in animal-based or fermented foods (3, 54). EFSA recommends that adults consume 70 µg/d vitamin K (3). The mechanism of action for a class of anticoagulant therapies (e.g. warfarin) used for preventing atrial fibrillation and other cardiovascular events involves vitamin K antagonism; therefore, balancing the dose of these treatments and dietary vitamin K intake should be considered (55). However, studies have provided conflicting results; some show a negative relationship between coagulation stability and vitamin K intake and others suggest that some amount of vitamin K intake is necessary to produce an adequate response (55). A Cochrane database review reported that only one study showed this additive anticoagulant effect, indicating that the current evidence is insufficient to recommend vitamin K for those with unstable response to warfarin (56). Supplemental vitamin K has a strong anticoagulant effect, and consuming high levels of vitamin K-rich foods may interact with anticoagulant treatment (57). Vitamin K1 supplementation combined with calcium and vitamin D3 has also been shown to modestly improve bone mineral content in older non-osteoporotic women; however, these effects were not observed with vitamin K1 alone, suggesting that there may be a synergistic effect of these nutrients (58). Vitamin K2 has also been shown to produce benefits in arterial stiffness and bone mineral density (59, 60).


Vitamin E

Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) is a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant properties that are critical for protecting polyunsaturated fatty acids in membrane phospholipids and plasma lipoproteins from oxidative damage (3); it is also involved in immune function (5). α-Tocopherol deficiency causes the development of neurological symptoms (e.g. ataxia) (3). EFSA recommends that adult males and females consume 13 mg/d and 11 mg/d vitamin E, respectively (3), yet those >64 years of age have been shown to consume only between 6.3 and 13.7 mg/d (10). Very few individuals meet intake recommendations for vitamin E through diet alone (5). A meta-analysis of dietary intake studies reported that vitamin E is associated with a dose-dependent reduction in lung cancer risk (61), but another meta-analysis reported no effect on total or cancer-related mortality, aside from a significant reduction in the incidence of prostate cancer when vitamin E was consumed with other nutrients (62). Another meta-analysis of RCTs reported a decreased risk of ischemic stroke but an increased risk for hemorrhagic stroke. Notably, the doses of vitamin E administered substantially exceeded recommended intake levels (63).


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin with strong reducing and antioxidant properties; it acts as a cofactor in several enzymatic reactions for the synthesis of carnitine, catecholamines, and pro-collagen and for metabolizing cholesterol to bile acids (3). The primary dietary sources of vitamin C include fruit and vegetables and their juices (3). EFSA recommends that adult males and females consume 90 mg/d and 80 mg/d vitamin C, respectively (3). In the EU, the proportion of individuals >64 years of age falling below the average requirement of vitamin C is 4-33% (28).
Population-based studies have shown that plasma vitamin C levels are significantly and inversely related to stroke risk (64). Furthermore, lower vitamin C levels have been linked with a greater risk for Alzheimer’s disease (65, 66). Meta-analyses of RCTs have found that vitamin C supplementation significantly reduces both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (67), improves endothelial function and vasodilation in individuals with cardiometabolic risk factors (68), and decreases risk for lung cancer (69) and age-related cataracts (70).



Magnesium is an essential mineral for many enzymatic reactions involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins, and serves in various neurological and cardiovascular functions, including regulating blood pressure (3, 5). Magnesium is primarily found in muscle tissues and is an important component of bone (3, 5). Magnesium occurs naturally in a number of food items, including nuts, whole grains, seafood, fruit, and vegetables (3). EFSA recommends that adult men and women consume 350 mg/d and 300 mg/d of magnesium, respectively (3). There are few clear indications of magnesium inadequacies due to its various metabolic effects, and serum magnesium concentration as an indicator of status is questionable since there are no reliable biomarkers for magnesium body status (3).
Meta-analyses of prospective cohort and observational studies conducted primarily in middle-aged individuals have reported an association between higher circulating magnesium concentrations and decreased CVD risk (71), a significant inverse relationship between dietary magnesium intake and risk of metabolic syndrome (72), and a relationship between higher magnesium intake and reductions in colorectal cancer (73). Meta-analyses of RCTs that evaluated magnesium supplementation on diabetes-related outcomes reported improvements in insulin resistance (74) and fasting glucose levels (75) and significant reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (76), including in individuals with insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, and other NCDs (77).



Potassium is the primary intracellular cation responsible for maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body and, hence, proper nerve conduction, muscle contraction, blood volume, and blood pressure (3, 5). Potassium occurs naturally in all foods but is particularly represented in root vegetables, fruit, whole grains, coffee, and dairy (3). EFSA recommends that adults consume 3500 mg/d of potassium, but these values can vary by country (3). Insufficient potassium intake causes hypertension and increases the risk of CVD, kidney stones, and osteoporosis (5).
A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies reported that higher dietary potassium intake reduced the risk of stroke, which the authors attributed to reduced blood pressure (78). Although a 2006 Cochrane database review did not find substantial support for potassium supplementation for hypertension (79), a more recent meta-analysis of RCTs reported that potassium supplementation reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure in a dose-dependent manner in hypertensive individuals (80).


Ensuring adequate nutrition in middle-aged and older adults

There is a robust body of evidence suggesting that a whole-diet approach not only lowers mortality from NCDs, but also positively impacts physical and cognitive functioning, mental health, and quality of life in older adults (81). However, too few high-quality studies have evaluated these outcomes to make clear recommendations. In addition to the nutritional benefits of a healthful diet, there are psychological benefits to eating that should not be overlooked (82). Increasing contact with professionals, identifying barriers, developing problem-solving techniques, and setting appropriate goals can improve the outcomes of dietary interventions in middle-aged and older individuals (83). Nutrition education programs have been shown to be effective for improving the nutritional status of older adults, particularly when they include specific interventions or multiple sessions (84).
Higher adherence to a Mediterranean Diet has been found to be significantly and inversely related to overall mortality in adults >65 years of age (85) and to reduced all-cause, CVD- and cancer-related mortality (86). Furthermore, a multivitamin/multimineral supplement (MVMS) that provides most micronutrients in recommended amounts can provide nutritional support for those who are unable to reach adequate micronutrient intake levels from their habitual diet, particularly for older individuals who often experience malnutrition with advancing age (87).
Healthcare providers commonly recommend MVMS to older adults, and while MVMS are generally safe (88), their benefits for improving health-related outcomes have been difficult to conclusively demonstrate (89). The Physicians’ Health Study II (PHS II) observed no reduction in the risk for developing CVD (90), but there was a significant 8% reduction in the risk of all types of cancer in this middle-aged and older male population (≥50 years of age) taking a daily MVMS for a mean duration of 11 years (91). The reduction in cancer risk was 12% when excluding prostate cancer from the analysis, and even greater (27%) in men with a baseline history of cancer (91). Despite its long duration and large sample size involving more than 14,000 male physicians, PHS II was insufficiently powered to detect statistically significant effects of MVMS on any individual type of cancer (91).
PHS II also found a significant 9% reduction in total age-related cataracts and an 11% reduction in cataract surgery (92). According to a Cochrane database review, use of an MVMS with antioxidant vitamins and minerals may delay the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) (93). Lutein and zeaxanthin, which are sometimes added to MVMS formulations, also seem to be beneficial for the management of AMD (94). A meta-analysis of eight RCTs utilizing lutein and zeaxanthin supplementation showed improvements in visual acuity and contrast sensitivity in subjects with AMD (95).
Conflicting evidence on cognition has been observed in older adults who use MVMS. One clinical trial in middle-aged and older men reported improvements in episodic memory, including contextual recognition (96), while another trial in healthy middle-aged and older adults reported no benefit in cognitive task performance (97). Both of these studies reported that MVMS use improved some health-related biomarkers (i.e. C-reactive protein, liver function, and vitamin B6 and B12 blood levels, cholesterol, and homocysteine levels) (96, 97). A meta-analysis of 10 RCTs in primarily middle-aged and older adults reported that MVMS modestly improved some aspects of memory (98). An MVMS formulated with folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 was shown to improve plasma homocysteine concentrations in an RCT in individuals ≥50 years of age (99), and another study in older individuals being treated with metformin demonstrated that use of an MVMS can reduce the risk for metformin-mediated deficiencies in vitamin B12 levels (100).
It is important that an MVMS include nutrients only in amounts that approximate reference intake values, and middle-aged and older adults who decide to use an MVMS should be aware that using additional single-nutrient supplements could result in a total intake exceeding the UL of these nutrients, increasing the risk of adverse health outcomes (87). Furthermore, there may be some individual exceptions to consider for these populations. For example, the typical dose of calcium commonly used in an MVMS may not be sufficient to promote bone health; therefore, dietary intake should be considered (89).



Data from RCTs suggest that dietary interventions and, when warranted, supplementation with MVMS can be used to reduce the risk of experiencing nutritional deficiencies and inadequacies that are detrimental to the health of middle-aged and older adults. For individuals who do not consume adequate protein, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and micronutrients from their habitual diet, supplementation may be required. The individual’s medical history, medication use, dietary patterns, and other risk factors should be considered when recommending dietary supplements.


Medical writing support was provided by Dennis Stancavish of Peloton Advantage, LLC, and was funded by Pfizer.

Role of the Sponsor
The sponsor was involved in the review and approval of the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest
Susanne Bügel has received research grants from the Software AG Foundation and ERASMUS+. She is a board member of Food, Quality and Health and the Federation of European Nutrition Societies and as such receives travel support for meetings supported by these organizations. Balz Frei is the past recipient of multiple grants from the US National Institutes of Health and currently serves as a consultant for Pfizer Consumer Healthcare and DSM Nutritional Products.



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L. Rapp1, S. Sourdet2, B. Vellas2, M.-H. Lacoste-Ferré1,2


1. Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire, Université Toulouse 3 – Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France; 2. Pôle Gériatrie, CHU de Toulouse, Gérontopôle, Toulouse, France.

Corresponding author: Dr. Marie-Hélène Lacoste-Ferré, DDS, PhD, Pôle Gériatrie, CHU de Toulouse, Gérontopôle, Toulouse, France , Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire, Université Toulouse 3 – Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France,

Care Weekly 2017;1:14
Published online November 9, 2017,

Please, note that this editorial was published also in the Journal of Frailty Aging (JFA)



Introduction: The relationships between oral health conditions and frailty have rarely been explored. A systematic review of frailty components and oral health concluded that differences in study population endpoint criteria and study design cannot establish a relationship between frailty and oral health. Objective: This study aims to describe the distribution of the OHAT (Oral Health Assessment Tool) score in a population of frail subjects and to assess associated parameters (age, socio-economic status, living conditions, education level, nutritional habits, cognitive functioning, autonomy). Design: Cross-sectional observational study among patients referred to the Geriatric Frailty Clinic.  Measurements: 1314 patients participated in different standardized tests to evaluate their health status, cognitive and affective functioning, adaptation to usual daily activities, nutritional status, and oral health status. Results: The risk of oral health deterioration was higher with the appearance of frailty: the OHAT increased significantly with the Fried Frailty Score (p<0.001). Physical performance and oral health were correlated (p<0.001). The OHAT score and the MNA (Mini Nutritional Assessment) score were significantly correlated: oral status seemed better for malnourished subjects (p<0.001). Dementia significantly increased the risk of an unhealthy oral status (p<0.001). There was no significant correlation between oral status and depression, just a trend. Conclusion: This pilot study establishes a relationship between the OHAT and Fried Frailty Criteria in a population of frail elderly. It must be expanded to follow the distribution of the different items composing the OHAT score (items assessing lips; tongue; gums and tissues; saliva; natural teeth; dentures; oral cleanliness; and dental pain) with different parameters (age, socio-economic status, living conditions, educational level, medical history, drug treatment, nutritional habits, cognitive functioning, disabilities and handicaps).

Key words: Frailty phenotype, physical performance, malnutrition, prevention.



After the age of 60 years, because of changes in physical and cognitive health and psychosocial living conditions, the population of elderly adults is heterogeneous, and can be divided into 3 groups: robust older adults, frail older adults, and dependent older adults (1, 3).
Robust older adults age successfully and often have few comorbidities. They have a high level of functioning and can take care of themselves, their health, hygiene and particularly their oral care. They are not different from younger adults in regards to oral care.
Dependence refers to the partial or total inability to perform basic activities of daily life without help. Many studies have shown that the dependent population usually exhibits poor oral health. In the geriatric nursing home, oral health is often neglected, and oral care is considered difficult because of behavior disorders, lack of cooperation, and loss of autonomy, which impair good access to dental health care (4-6).
Frailty is a clinical geriatric syndrome characterized by a decrease in energy reserve, strength and performance, resulting in a progressive decline in multiple physiological systems leading to a state of greater vulnerability. This is defined as a pre-disability state which, different from disability, is still amenable to intervention and is reversible (2-3, 7-8).
The relationship between oral health conditions and frailty has rarely been explored (9). Moreover, it is also necessary to associate general diseases (such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, or cardiovascular disease), with frailty and oral health. Comorbidities have an undeniable impact on frailty. General health and oral health are interrelated and have a complex and multifaceted relationship, especially in elderly adults.
The elderly have a wide variety of oral health problems, including loss of teeth, edentulism, periodontitis, coronal and root caries, oral mucosal lesions, utilization of nonfunctional dental prostheses, xerostomia and chewing problems, among others (6). Oral health is instrumental to older people’s health, life satisfaction, quality of life, and self-perception (10-11). Oral infections may have biological consequences that later manifest as health problems (12). Oral status can also contribute to changes in diet, weight and physical functioning (13-14). Hence, poor oral health can affect the individual’s overall well-being.
This study aims to describe the distribution of the OHAT (Oral Health Assessment Tool) score in a population of frail subjects, and to assess its correlation with associated parameters (age, socio-economic status, living conditions, education level, nutritional habits, cognitive functioning, autonomy).



Participants and study design

Cross-sectional observational study of patients referred to the Geriatric Frailty Clinic. The Geriatric Center of Toulouse (i.e., the Gerontopole of the Toulouse University Hospital, in association with the university department of General Medicine and the Midi-Pyrenees Regional Health Authority) designed and developed the innovative “Geriatric Frailty Clinic (GFC) for assessment of frailty and prevention of disability” in 2011. Patients participate in different standardized tests to evaluate their health status, cognitive and affective functioning, adaptation to usual daily activities, nutritional status, and oral health status. All collected data are systematically computerized in a database that can be used for research purposes and statistical analyses. 1314 patients have already been evaluated in the clinic and are included in the study, without any exclusion criteria (15).

Data collected

Tables 1 and 2 recapitulate the data collected and the tests performed in the study.

Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the GFC population (n= 1,314)

Table 1
Baseline characteristics of the GFC population (n= 1,314)


Table 2 Oral Evaluation OHAT [0-4 = Healthy, 4-8 = Mild healthy requiring oral attention, 8-12 = Unhealthy, requiring care, 12-16 = Unhealthy, requiring compulsory care]

Table 2
Oral Evaluation OHAT [0-4 = Healthy, 4-8 = Mild healthy requiring oral attention, 8-12 = Unhealthy, requiring care, 12-16 = Unhealthy, requiring compulsory care]

Nutritional evaluation

– Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) (16)
The Mini Nutritional Assessment (score /30) is a validated nutrition screening and assessment tool that can identify geriatric patients aged 65 and above who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition.

– Body Mass Index (BMI) (17)
Body Mass Index (BMI) classifications were developed based on associations between BMI, chronic disease, and mortality risk in healthy populations. The formula of BMI is kg/m2 where kg is the person’s weight in kilograms and m2 is his height in meters squared.

Functional evaluation

– Frailty Status (2)
Five criteria defined by Fried characterize frailty: weight loss, exhaustion, low physical activity, slowness, weakness. The sum score of these five criteria classifies the elderly as not frail (score 0), pre-frail (score 1-2) and frail (score 3-5).

– Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) (18, 19)
Activities of Daily Living scale is the most appropriate instrument to assess functional status. The ADL ranks adequacy of performance in the six functions of bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, continence, and feeding. Scores range from 0 to 6, with a score of 1 point if totally independent, 0.5 if partially dependent and 0 if totally dependent in each of the 6 assessed activities.
Instrumental activities of daily living are the activities that people engage in when they are up, dressed and put together. These tasks support an independent life style. Many people can still live independently even though they need help with one or two of these IADLs. They include: cooking, driving, using the telephone or computer, shopping, keeping track of finances and managing medications.
– Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) (20)
The Short Physical Performance Battery (Score /12) is a simple test to measure lower extremity function using tasks that mimic daily activities. The SPPB examines 3 areas of lower extremity function: static balance, gait speed, and getting in and out of a chair. These areas represent essential tasks important for independent living.

Cognitive and affective evaluation

– Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) (21)
The Mini Mental State Examination (Score /30) is a tool that can be used to systematically and thoroughly assess mental status. It is a 30 question test that assesses five areas of cognitive function: orientation, registration, attention and calculation, recall, and language.

– Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) (22)
The 15 item GDS is a self or hetero-rating scale. Patients are asked to respond based on how they have felt in the last week. The scale uses a yes-no format to be clearer for older patients.

Oral evaluation

– Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT) (23, 24)
The Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT) provides a global indication of oral health based on observation, conducted whatever the general health of the patient (cognitive state), by a physician, dentist or nurse. It is a recent version of the BOHSE (Brief Oral Health Status Examination), validated by Chalmers et al. in 2005.
The OHAT assesses 8 areas: lips, tongue, gums and tissues, saliva, natural teeth, dentures, oral cleanliness and dental pain. A score of 0 (healthy), 1 (oral changes), or 2 (unhealthy) is given to each of the assessment categories, and a score of the eight categories is summed to give a total oral health score.

Statistical aspects

Data from the 1314 patients already seen at the Geriatric Frailty Clinic were analyzed on SAS® (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) statistical software.
A description of the study sample was first provided, which included: distribution of categorical variables (number and percentage), mean, median, standard deviation, interquartile range, minimal and maximal values of continuous variables.
The global OHAT score was analyzed as a continuous variable. Each of its components was analyzed as a categorical variable (including three categories: 0, 1, 2).
The usual tests were used to assess univariate associations between OHAT scores and other clinical variables (age, socio-economic status, living conditions, education level, medical history, drug treatments, nutritional habits, cognitive functioning, disabilities and handicaps). The Chi square test (or Fisher’s exact test when conditions required for the Chi square test were not fulfilled) was used to compare categorical variables. Student’s t-test (or the Kruskal Wallis test) was used to compare the distribution of a continuous variable between categories of a categorical variable. Pearson’s (or Spearman’s) correlation coefficient was estimated to assess the strength of the link between continuous variables.

Ethical considerations

The study protocol was approved by the local Research Ethics Committee (Comité d’Ethique de la Recherche des Hôpitaux de Toulouse). It did not require either a verbal or a written consent from participants, as this study collected and analyzed only data and information from usual care during hospitalization (without any further assessment, experimentation, procedures, or follow-up). Patient records and information were anonymized and de-identified prior to analysis.



Patient Characteristics (Tables 1-2)

The description of the main characteristics of the 1314 patients recruited is reported in Tables 2, 3 and 4. Participants had a median age of 82.5 (SD 6.3), range 76.2-88.8 years. Most patients were women (65.1%). Most participants (n=1254, 95.1%) had gone to school, but few of those had attended higher education (n=232, 18.5%). Most participants were widowed (45.1%), single (6.4%) or divorced (9.7%). The living environment was individual (61.3%). There were 46.9% participants living alone at home.

Table 3 Bivariate analysis of OHAT according to socio-demographic characteristics (OHAT = continuous variable)

Table 3
Bivariate analysis of OHAT according to socio-demographic characteristics (OHAT = continuous variable)

According to the Fried definition of frailty, 552 subjects were pre-frail (42.6%) and 606 subjects were frail (46.8%).
Concerning the functional evaluation, physical performances were good for 397 subjects (30.7%). Concerning autonomy, the mean ADL score was 5.4 ±0.9 and the mean IADL score was 5.3 ±2.4.
For the BMI, the mean score was 26.9 ±8.4 and only 27 participants were underweight (2.1%). Regarding the nutritional evaluation, 793 (60.6%) participants presented a good nutritional status, 456 (36.8%) participants presented a risk of malnutrition and 60 (4.6%) participants were malnourished. Concerning the cognitive evaluation, the mean MMSE score was 24.6 ±5.1. Moderate to severe dementia was observed in 215 (16.8%) participants, with a MMSE score < 19. For the affective evaluation, the mean GDS score was 4.7 ±3.0. Moderate to severe depression was detected in 394 subjects (30%). Concerning the oral evaluation, the mean OHAT score was 1.98 ±2.1. Most subjects (n=1029, 79.7%) had an OHAT score < 4; they presented good oral health.

Relationships between oral health and socio-demographic characteristics (Table 3)

Statistical analysis showed no significant difference between women and men or according to education level. The OHAT decreased with age (p<0.001). The difference was significant according to marital status and living conditions; participants who were married and participants who lived with their spouse had better oral health.

Table 4 Bivariate analysis of OHAT according to frailty characteristics

Table 4
Bivariate analysis of OHAT according to frailty characteristics

Relationships between oral health and the functional, nutritional, cognitive and affective evaluation (Table 4)
The risk of oral health deterioration was higher with the appearance of frailty: the OHAT increased significantly with Fried Frailty Score (p<0.001). Physical performance and oral health were correlated (p<0.001). The OHAT score and the MNA score were significantly correlated: oral status seemed better for malnourished subjects (p<0.001). Dementia significantly increased the risk of unhealthy oral status (p<0.001). There was no significant correlation between oral status and depression, just a trend.



Published studies on the relationship between oral health and frailty have not provided strong conclusions because oral health and frailty criteria measurements and the study designs were different (9). Target populations were not homogenous. Only 75% of the participants in a Mexican study had an oral examination (25). In a Japanese study, the distribution of frail, pre-frail and robust people did not agree with the current distribution (26). Most studies used handgrip strength as the frailty criteria (9). Concerning the oral examination, there is no possible comparison because of variations in criteria such as the number of teeth or number of functional teeth, comfort or pain, use of prosthesis or need for prosthesis, periodontal pocket or periodontitis (25-28). Moriya et al. used a validated index: the General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) combined with handgrip strength (29). But the GOHAI is a self-questionnaire, only usable by patients without cognitive impairment.
Our pilot study provides a complete screening of frailty and a global oral examination for persons aged 65 years and older considered frail by their physician. Frailty criteria are based on international validated scales (2). The oral health evaluation is based on the OHAT, which is a global oral health index conducted by a GFC geriatrician or nurse. The OHAT can be carried out whatever the cognitive, psychic, or physical health condition of the patient. It involves locating damage affecting the whole mouth. It is not a diagnostic tool, because it does not specify the number of teeth or the severity of the pathologies (caries, severe periodontitis). It does not assess oral function (number of functional units, chewing ability). Furthermore, the OHAT orients care needs by identifying degraded areas (23-24). It can explain the unexpected results with age and nutritional status. In fact, an edentulous patient without prosthesis can constitute a bias; he presents no dental or gingival diseases because he has no teeth, daily oral hygiene is easier, and only the item “prosthesis” can be scored as 2. However, because he is edentulous, he cannot chew correctly and consequently will select food. Thus, the OHAT score for an edentulous patient without prosthesis can be lower than that of dentate patients with 4 or 5 caries and gingival disease because of poor oral hygiene. A mouth with dental or periodontal disease may maintain acceptable function but will remain damaged. Also, the oldest patients are frequently edentulous, without complete dentures. Watanabe et al. described the associations between frailty, age and oral function (number of functional teeth, number of teeth present, occlusal force, masseter muscle thickness, and oral diadochokinesis) (26).Even when they had as many functional teeth as the pre-frail and the robust, the frail oldest had a decrease of occlusal force, and their performance was decreased in the phonetic test (oral diadochokinesis).
Although the MNA is commonly used by geriatricians, weight loss indicates nutritional status for most of the studies concerned with oral health and frailty. However, their conclusions are contradictory. Weight loss and oral health are still not correlated, particularly the edentulous and loss of teeth categories. Patients with poor oral health have difficulty in maintaining an appropriate diet; they adapt and select foods, and they eat more sweet foods, which do not result in weight loss (9).
The results of this pilot study show that oral health deteriorates significantly with the advance of frailty. It is prefigured in many studies: very poor oral health is observed with dependence, because of the low perception of oral health, neglected dental check-up visits and poor daily oral hygiene (6). Access to dental care is often decried for elderly people. Cost, availability and accessibility constitute commonly recognized barriers to the use of dental services (5, 11). The decrease in physical performance could also be another barrier to dental care. Castrejon-Perez et al. underline the fact that the low utilization of dental services could be considered a possible risk marker for frailty syndrome (25). The oral health of patients living with a spouse is better than that of patients living alone; accompaniment to the dental office can be facilitated. The worst OHAT score was among patients who live with family; it seems that family reunification does not help to support satisfactory oral health, because of the break with dental maintenance.
Oral health deteriorates with progressive cognitive disease. Patients with severe cognitive impairment have the worst oral disease. Many studies have described the same results (30). It is necessary to insist on the importance of dental maintenance from the first signs of dementia. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease progressively lose the ability to care for themselves. This is true for oral care, especially for dental and prosthetic hygiene.



In conclusion, general health and oral health are interrelated and have a complex and multifactorial relationship, especially in frail elderly people. This pilot study demonstrates the relationship between the OHAT and the Fried Frailty Criteria in a population of frail elderly. It should be expanded to follow the distribution of the different items composing the OHAT score (items assessing lips; tongue; gums and tissues; saliva; natural teeth; dentures; oral cleanliness; and dental pain) with different parameters (age, socio-economic status, living conditions, education level, medical history, drug treatment, nutritional habits, cognitive functioning, disabilities and handicaps). Thus, it will allow the following possibilities:
– Identification of oral health as a possible criterion of frailty
– Screening of the frail population at the first sign of oral degradation and development of monitoring adapted to this targeted population
– Education of the elderly on geriatric oral health principles: oral hygiene, curative care


Conflict of Interest
None reported by authors.



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